Ground Skinks
Total Observations | 1,536 |
Total Observers | 330 |
Current Year | 98 |
Total Countries | 11 |
Mobile App Entries | 391 |
Browser Entries | 241 |
Imported Records | 672 |
Deceased | 24 |
Most Recent Records
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Some records may be hidden from the public
Most Observed By
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Some records may be hidden from the public
Child Taxa
Taxon | Name | Rank | Author | Year |
Scincella apraefrontalis | Huulien Ground Skink | species | Nguyen, et al. | 2010 |
Scincella assata | Red Forest Skink | species | (COPE) | 1864 |
Scincella badenensis | Ba Den Ground Skink | species | NGUYEN, NGUYEN, NGUYEN & MURPHY | 2019 |
Scincella baraensis | Ba Ra Ground Skink | species | NGUYEN, NGUYEN, NGUYEN & MURPHY | 2020 |
Scincella barbouri | Barbour's Ground Skink | species | Stejneger | 1925 |
Scincella boettgeri | Boettger's Ground Skink | species | Van Denburgh | 1912 |
Scincella capitanea | Large Ground Skink | species | Ouboter | 1986 |
Scincella caudaequinae | Horsehead Ground Skink | species | Smith | 1951 |
Scincella cherriei | Brown Forest Skink | species | Cope | 1893 |
Scincella darevskii | Dien Bien Ground Skink | species | Nguyen, et al. | 2010 |
Scincella devorator | Quang Ning Ground Skink | species | Darevsky, et al. | 2004 |
Scincella doriae | Doria's Ground Skink | species | Boulenger | 1887 |
Scincella dunan | Yonagunijima Island Ground Skink | species | KOIZUMI, OTA & HIKIDA | 2022 |
Scincella forbesorum | Forbe’s Forest Ground Skink | species | (TAYLOR) | 1937 |
Scincella formosensis | Van Denburgh's Ground Skink | species | Van Denburgh | 1912 |
Scincella gemmingeri | Forest Ground Skink | species | Cope | 1864 |
Scincella huanrenensis | Huanren Ground Skink | species | Zhao & Huang | 1982 |
Scincella incerta | Uncertain Ground Skink | species | Stuart | 1940 |
Scincella kikaapoa | Cuatro Cienegas Ground Skink | species | Garcia-Vaquez, et al. | 2010 |
Scincella lateralis | Ground Skink | species | Say | 1823 |
Scincella macrotis | Large-eared Ground Skink | species | (STEINDACHNER) | 1867 |
Scincella melanosticta | Black Ground Skink | species | Boulenger | 1887 |
Scincella modesta | Modest Ground Skink | species | Günther | 1864 |
Scincella monticola | Montane Ground Skink | species | Schmidt | 1925 |
Scincella nigrofasciata | Black-banded Ground Skink | species | NEANG, CHAN & POYARKOV | 2018 |
Scincella ochracea | Bourret's Ground Skink | species | Bourret | 1937 |
Scincella potanini | Kanding Ground Skink | species | Günther | 1896 |
Scincella przewalskii | Dschachar Ground SKink | species | Bedriaga | 1912 |
Scincella punctatolineata | Burmese Ground Skink | species | Boulenger | 1993 |
Scincella rara | Arboreal Ground Skink | species | Darevsky & Orlov | 1997 |
Scincella reevesii | Reeves' Ground Skink | species | Gray | 1838 |
Scincella rufocaudata | Red-tailed Ground Skink | species | Darevsky & Nguyen Van Sang | 1983 |
Scincella rupicola | Rock-dwelling Ground Skink | species | Smith | 1916 |
Scincella schmidti | Schmidt's Ground Skink | species | Barbour | 1927 |
Scincella silvicola | Forest-dwelling Ground Skink | species | Taylor | 1937 |
Scincella tsinglingensis | Shaanzi Ground Skink | species | Hu & Zhao | 1966 |
Scincella vandenburghi | Tsushima Ground Skink | species | Schmidt | 1927 |
Scincella victoriana | Mount Victoria Ground Skink | species | Shreve | 1940 |
Scincella wangyuezhaoi | Wenchuan’s Ground Skink | species | JIA, GAO, HUANG, REN, JIANG & LI | 2023 |