Newts and Fire Salamanders
Total Observations | 9,952 |
Total Observers | 704 |
Current Year | 630 |
Total Countries | 34 |
Mobile App Entries | 1,477 |
Browser Entries | 451 |
Imported Records | 6,955 |
Deceased | 77 |
Most Recent Records
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Some records may be hidden from the public
Most Observed By
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Some records may be hidden from the public
Child Taxa
Taxon | Name | Rank | Author | Year |
Calotriton | European Brook Newts | genus | Gray | 1858 |
Chioglossa | Gold-striped Salamanders | genus | Bocage | 1864 |
Cynops | Fire-bellied Newts | genus | Tschudi | 1838 |
Echinotriton | Mountain Newts | genus | Nussbaum & Brodie | 1982 |
Euproctus | European Mountain Salamanders | genus | Gené | 1838 |
Ichtyosaura | Alpine Newts | genus | Sonnini de Manoncourt & Latreille | 1801 |
Ichthyosaura | Alpine Newts | genus | Sonnini de Manoncourt & Latreille | 1801 |
Laotriton | Laos Warty Newts | genus | Dubois and Raffaëlli | 2009 |
Liangshantriton | Pusakang Crocodile Newts | genus | Fei, Ye & Jiang | 2012 |
Lissotriton | Smooth Newts | genus | Bell | 1839 |
Lyciasalamandra | Lycian Salamanders | genus | Veith and Steinfartz | 2004 |
Mertensiella | Caucasus Salamanders | genus | Wolterstorff | 1925 |
Neurergus | Kurdistan Newts | genus | Cope | 1862 |
Notophthalmus | Red-spotted Newts | genus | Rafinesque | 1820 |
Ommatotriton | Banded Newts | genus | Gray | 1850 |
Pachytriton | Chinese Newts | genus | Boulenger | 1878 |
Paramesotriton | Warty Newts | genus | Chang | 1935 |
Pleurodeles | Ribbed Newts | genus | Michahelles | 1830 |
Salamandra | Fire Salamanders | genus | Laurenti | 1768 |
Salamandrina | Spectacled Salamander | genus | Fitzinger | 1826 |
Taricha | Rough-skinned Newts | genus | Gray | 1850 |
Triturus | Alpine Newts | genus | Rafinesque | 1815 |
Tylototriton | Crocodile Newts | genus | Anderson | 1871 |