Giant Brook Salamanders
Total Observations | 4 |
Total Observers | 3 |
Current Year | 1 |
Total Countries | 1 |
Mobile App Entries | 2 |
Browser Entries | 0 |
Imported Records | 0 |
Deceased | 0 |
Most Recent Records
Some records may be hidden from the public
Some records may be hidden from the public
Bell's Giant Brook Salamander Isthmura bellii HM 434807 |
Giant Brook Salamander Isthmura gigantea HM 362845 |
Giant Brook Salamander Isthmura gigantea HM 345425 |
Most Observed By
Some records may be hidden from the public
Some records may be hidden from the public
Mike Pingleton 1 records |
Nathan Kutok 1 records |
John Burris 1 records |
Child Taxa
Taxon | Name | Rank | Author | Year |
Isthmura bellii | Bell's Giant Brook Salamander | species | (Gray) | 1850 |
Isthmura boneti | Oaxacan False Brook Salamander | species | (Alvarez and Martín) | 1967 |
Isthmura corrugata | Corrugated Salamander | species | Sandoval-Comte, Pineda-Arredondo, Rovito, and Luría-Manzano | 2017 |
Isthmura gigantea | Giant Brook Salamander | species | (Taylor) | 1939 |
Isthmura maxima | Southern Giant Salamander | species | (Parra-Olea, García-París, Papenfuss, and Wake) | 2005 |
Isthmura naucampatepetl | Cofre de Perote Salamander | species | (Parra-Olea, Papenfuss, and Wake) | 2001 |
Isthmura sierraoccidentalis | Pine-oak Salamander | species | (Lowe, Jones, and Wright) | 1968 |