American Brook Salamanders
Total Observations | 6,836 |
Total Observers | 628 |
Current Year | 553 |
Total Countries | 2 |
Mobile App Entries | 2,135 |
Browser Entries | 551 |
Imported Records | 2,586 |
Deceased | 30 |
Most Recent Records
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Some records may be hidden from the public
Most Observed By
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Some records may be hidden from the public
Child Taxa
Taxon | Name | Rank | Author | Year |
Eurycea aquatica | Brown-backed Salamander | species | Rose & Bush | 1963 |
Eurycea arenicola | Carolina Sandhills Salamander | species | Stuart, Beamer, Farrington, Beane, Chek, Pusser, Som, Stephan, Sever, and Braswell | 2020 |
Eurycea bislineata | Northern Two-lined Salamander | species | Green | 1818 |
Eurycea braggi | Southern Grotto Salamander | species | (Smith) | 1968 |
Eurycea chamberlaini | Chamberlain's Dwarf Salamander | species | Harrison & Guttman | 2003 |
Eurycea chisholmensis | Salado Salamander | species | Chippindale, Price, Wiens, and Hillis | 2000 |
Eurycea cirrigera | Southern Two-lined Salamander | species | Green | 1831 |
Eurycea guttolineata | Three-lined Salamander | species | Holbrook | 1838 |
Eurycea hillisi | Hillis’s Dwarf Salamander | species | Wray, Means, and Steppan | 2017 |
Eurycea junaluska | Junaluska Salamander | species | Sever, Dundee & Sullivan | 1976 |
Eurycea latitans | Cascade Caverns Salamander | species | Smith & Potter | 1946 |
Eurycea longicauda | Long-tailed Salamander | species | Green | 1818 |
Eurycea lucifuga | Cave Salamander | species | Rafinesque | 1822 |
Eurycea multiplicata | Many-ribbed Salamander | species | Cope | 1869 |
Eurycea nana | San Marcos Salamander | species | Bishop | 1941 |
Eurycea naufragia | San Gabriel Springs Salamander | species | Chippindale, Price, Wiens, and Hillis | 2000 |
Eurycea neotenes | Texas Salamander | species | Bishop & Wright | 1937 |
Eurycea nerea | Spring Grotto Salamander | species | (Bishop) | 1944 |
Eurycea paludicola | Western Dwarf Salamander | species | Mittleman | 1947 |
Eurycea pterophila | Fern Bank Salamander | species | Burger, Smith, and Potter | 1950 |
Eurycea quadridigitata | Dwarf Salamander | species | Holbrook | 1842 |
Eurycea rathbuni | Texas Blind Salamander | species | (Stejneger) | 1896 |
Eurycea robusta | Blanco Blind Salamander | species | (Longley) | 1978 |
Eurycea sosorum | Barton Springs Salamander | species | Chippindale, Price, and Hillis | 1993 |
Eurycea spelaea | Grotto Salamander | species | Stejneger | 1892 |
Eurycea sphagnicola | Bog Dwarf Salamander | species | Wray, et al. | 2017 |
Eurycea subfluvicola | Ouachita Streambed Salamander | species | Steffen, Irwin, Blair, and Bonett | 2014 |
Eurycea tonkawae | Jollyville Plateau Salamander | species | Chippindale, Price, Wiens, and Hillis | 2000 |
Eurycea troglodytes | Valdina Farms Salamander | species | Baker | 1957 |
Eurycea tynerensis | Oklahoma Salamander | species | Moore & Hughes | 1939 |
Eurycea wallacei | Georgia Blind Salamander | species | (Carr) | 1939 |
Eurycea waterlooensis | Austin Blind Salamander | species | Hillis, Chamberlain, Wilcox, and Chippindale | 2001 |
Eurycea wilderae | Blue Ridge Two-Lined Salamander | species | Dunn | 1920 |