Spinytail Geckos
Total Observations | 60 |
Total Observers | 13 |
Current Year | 0 |
Total Countries | 1 |
Mobile App Entries | 16 |
Browser Entries | 33 |
Imported Records | 9 |
Deceased | 0 |
Most Recent Records
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Some records may be hidden from the public
Most Observed By
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Some records may be hidden from the public
Child Taxa
Taxon | Name | Rank | Author | Year |
Diplodactylus ameyi | Eastern Deserts Fat-tailed Gecko | species | COUPER & OLIVER | 2016 |
Diplodactylus barraganae | Gulf Fat Tailed Gecko | species | Couper et al | 2014 |
Diplodactylus bilybara | Western Fat Tailed Gecko | species | Couper et al | 2014 |
Diplodactylus calcicolus | South Coast Gecko | species | Hutchinson, et al. | 2009 |
Diplodactylus capensis | Cape Range Stone Gecko | species | Doughty, et al. | 2008 |
Diplodactylus conspicillatus | Australian Fat-tailed Gecko | species | Lucas & Frost | 1897 |
Diplodactylus custos | Kimberly Fat Tailed Gecko | species | Couper et al | 2014 |
Diplodactylus fulleri | Lake Disappointment Ground Gecko | species | Storr | 1978 |
Diplodactylus furcosus | Ranges Stone Gecko | species | Peters | 1863 |
Diplodactylus galaxias | Northern Pilbara Beak-faced Gecko | species | Doughty, et al. | 2010 |
Diplodactylus galeatus | Helmeted Gecko | species | Kluge | 1963 |
Diplodactylus granariensis | Western Stone Gecko | species | Storr | 1979 |
Diplodactylus hilli | Northern Fat Tailed Gecko | species | longman | 1915 |
Diplodactylus kenneallyi | Kenneally's Gecko | species | Storr | 1988 |
Diplodactylus klugei | Kluge's Gecko | species | Aplin & Adams | 1998 |
Diplodactylus laevis | Centralian Fat tailed Gecko | species | Sternfield | 1924 |
Diplodactylus lateroides | Speckled Stone Gecko | species | Doughty & Oliver | 2013 |
Diplodactylus mitchelli | Pilbara Stone Gecko | species | Kluge | 1963 |
Diplodactylus nebulosus | Cloudy Stone Gecko | species | Doughty & Oliver | 2013 |
Diplodactylus ornatus | Ornate Stone Gecko | species | Gray | 1845 |
Diplodactylus platyurus | Eastern Fat tailed Gecko | species | Parker | 1926 |
Diplodactylus polyophthalmus | Spotted Sand-plain Gecko | species | Günther | 1867 |
Diplodactylus pulcher | Fine-faced Gecko | species | Steindachner | 1870 |
Diplodactylus savagei | Yellow-spotted Pilbara Gecko | species | Kluge | 1963 |
Diplodactylus tessellatus | Tesselated Gecko | species | Günther | 1875 |
Diplodactylus vittatus | Eastern Stone Gecko | species | Gray | 1832 |
Diplodactylus wiru | Desert Wood Gecko | species | Hutchinson, et al. | 2009 |