Total Observations | 59,962 |
Total Observers | 2,300 |
Current Year | 5,919 |
Total Countries | 49 |
Mobile App Entries | 15,653 |
Browser Entries | 4,430 |
Imported Records | 27,933 |
Deceased | 661 |
Most Recent Records
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Some records may be hidden from the public
Most Observed By
Some records may be hidden from the public
Some records may be hidden from the public
Child Taxa
Taxon | Name | Rank | Author | Year |
Ambystomatidae | Mole Salamanders | family | Gray | 1850 |
Amphiumidae | Amphiumas | family | Gray | 1825 |
Cryptobranchidae | Giant Salamanders | family | Fitzinger | 1826 |
Hynobiidae | Asian Salamanders | family | Cope | 1859 |
Plethodontidae | Lungless Salamanders | family | Gray | 1850 |
Proteidae | Olms and Waterdogs | family | Gray | 1825 |
Rhyacotritonidae | Olympic Salamanders | family | Tihen | 1958 |
Salamandridae | Newts and Fire Salamanders | family | Goldfuss | 1820 |
Sirenidae | Sirens | family | Gray | 1825 |