Taxon Common Name No. of Records Last Observation
Afrixalus uluguruensis Uluguru Banana Frog 1 1997-03-22
Agama agama Common Agama 3 2022-02-21
Agama lionotus Lion Agama 1 2008-02-16
Agama montana Montane Rock Agama 1 1997-03-27
Agama mwanzae Mwanza Rock Agama 14 2023-05-27
Amietia angolensis Angolan River Frog 1 1997-03-27
Ancylodactylus africanus Usambara Hook-toed Gecko 1 2022-02-20
Arthroleptis affinis Amani Squeaking Frog 2 2022-02-20
Arthroleptis tanneri Tanzania Squeaking Frog 1 1997-03-27
Atheris ceratophora Usambara Mountain Bush Viper 1 1997-03-18
Bitis arietans arietans Puff Adder 1 2008-07-17
Boulengerula boulengeri Boulenger's Caecilian 1 1997-03-26
Broadleysaurus major Rough-scaled Plated Lizard 5 2022-01-06
Callulina kreffti Krefft's Secret Frog 1 1997-03-26
Chamaeleo dilepis Flapneck Chameleon 1 2022-02-28
Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis Flapneck Chameleon 2 2008-02-17
Chelonia mydas Green Sea Turtle 1 2003-12-09
Chelonia mydas japonica Indo-pacific Green Sea Turtle 1 2024-05-19
Chiromantis petersii Peters' Foam-nest Treefrog 1 2008-02-19
Chiromantis xerampelina African Gray Treefrog 3 2022-02-26
Crocodylus niloticus Nile Crocodile 9 2023-05-27
Cryptoblepharus africanus East-African Snake-eyed Skink 1 2019-06-27
Duberria lutrix atriventris Common Slug Eater 1 2008-03-08
Elapsoidea nigra Black Garter Snake 1 1997-03-17
Hemidactylus mabouia Cosmopolitan House Gecko 10 2022-01-05
Hemidactylus platycephalus Flathead Leaf-toed Gecko 2 2022-08-28
Holaspis guentheri Sawtail Lizard 1 1997-03-18
Hoplobatrachus occipitalis African Crowned Bullfrog 1 2008-07-14
Hyperolius African Reed Frogs 1 2022-02-13
Hyperolius mariae Maria's Reed Frog 1 1997-03-27
Hyperolius viridiflavus Common Reed Frog 3 2008-02-16
Kinixys spekii Speke's Hingeback Tortoise 1 2008-02-24
Kinyongia multituberculata West Usumbara Two-horned Chameleon 1 1997-03-20
Kinyongia tenuis Usumbara Soft-horned Chameleon 1 1997-03-20
Latastia longicaudata Southern Longtail lizard 1 2008-02-10
Leptopelis bocagii Horseshoe Forest Treefrog 1 2008-03-05
Leptopelis flavomaculatus Brown Forest Treefrog 3 2022-02-20
Leptopelis parkeri Parker's Forest Treefrog 1 1997-03-27
Leptopelis vermiculatus Amani Forest Treefrog 1 2022-02-20
Lygodactylus Dwarf Geckos 1 2010-12-17
Lygodactylus gutturalis Uganda Dwarf Gecko 1 2019-06-25
Lygodactylus mombasicus White-headed Dwarf Gecko 1 2010-12-22
Lygodactylus picturatus Painted Dwarf Gecko 7 2022-07-26
Mertensophryne micranotis Loveridges Snouted Toad 1 2012-12-30
Pelomedusa neumanni Neumann’s Marsh Terrapin 2 2023-05-26
Pelomedusa subrufa Helmeted Turtle 4 2022-02-07
Pelusios subniger East African Black Mud Turtle 1 2022-03-02
Phelsuma dubia Zanzibar Day Gecko 1 2008-03-31
Philothamnus semivariegatus Variagated Green Snake 1 2008-02-24
Phrynobatrachus acridoides Zanzibar River Frog 1 2010-12-22
Phrynobatrachus natalensis Natal River Frog 2 2008-07-14
Phrynobatrachus ungujae Unguja Puddle Frog 1 2012-12-30
Phrynomantis bifasciatus South African Snake-necked Frog 1 1997-03-17
Psammophis punctulatus Speckled Sand Racer 1 2014-07-08
Ptychadena anchietae Benguella Grassland Frog 1 2008-02-24
Ptychadena mossambica Mozambique Grassland Frog 1 2008-02-07
Ptychadena oxyrhynchus Kaffirland Grassland Frog 1 2008-07-19
Sclerophrys brauni Braun's Dead-leaf Toad 1 1997-03-26
Sclerophrys gutturalis Guttural Toad 2 2017-03-13
Stigmochelys pardalis Leopard Tortoise 5 2022-03-06
Trachylepis brevicollis Sudan Mabuya 1 2008-02-12
Trachylepis maculilabris Speckle-Lipped Mabuya 3 2022-01-06
Trachylepis margaritifera Rainbow Skink 1 2022-02-09
Trachylepis striata African Striped Mabuya 6 2023-05-26
Trachylepis striata striata African Striped Mabuya 1 2019-06-26
Trachylepis varia Variable Skink 1 2022-02-25
Trioceros deremensis Wavy Chameleon 2 2022-02-20
Trioceros sternfeldi Mount Meru Chameleon 1 1997-03-29
Urocotyledon wolterstorffi Wolterstorff's Gecko 1 1997-03-18
Varanus albigularis White-throated Monitor 1 2022-02-15
Varanus exanthematicus Savannah Monitor 1 2022-03-02
Varanus niloticus Nile Monitor 3 2022-03-07
Xenopus muelleri Muller's Clawed Frog 1 2008-02-08
Name No. of Taxa No. of Records No. of Users Last Observation
Arusha 20 24 5 2022-03-03
Dar-Es-Salaam 3 3 2 2022-08-28
Iringa 13 16 2 2022-02-15
Kaskazini-Unguja 6 24 2 2022-01-06
Kigoma 2 2 1 2008-07-14
Kilimanjaro 1 2 1 2022-02-28
Lindi 1 1 1 2008-07-19
Manyara 6 6 4 2022-03-02
Mara 12 33 7 2023-05-27
Morogoro 5 5 3 2022-07-26
Pwani 1 1 1 2003-12-09
Tanga 31 36 5 2024-05-19
Zanzibar South and Central 6 7 3 2022-01-03
Zanzibar West 1 1 1 2017-03-09
User No. of Taxa No. of Records Last Observation
Allain, Steven 2 2 2014-07-08
Block, Paul 1 1 2019-12-14
Buffa, Joelle 20 27 2022-03-07
Cowdery, Colleen 3 3 2011-08-20
Filippou, Maria 5 26 2022-01-06
Freed, Paul 20 21 1997-04-04
Godfrey, Matthew 1 1 2003-12-09
Goffin, Adrien 6 7 2024-05-19
Griswold , David 4 13 2023-05-27
Hoops, Daniel 29 35 2012-12-30
Paloski, Rori 7 7 2017-03-14
Safari, Ignas 3 4 2022-08-28
Yuan, Don 1 1 2017-08-01
Zaki, Mina 3 3 2010-12-22
14 active users.

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