Taxon Common Name No. of Records Last Observation
Agama agama Common Agama 1 1991-03-16
Arthroleptis variabilis Buea Squeaking Frog 1 1991-03-18
Calabaria reinhardtii African Burrowing Python 1 1991-03-30
Causus maculatus Spotted Night Adder 1 1991-03-30
Hemidactylus ansorgii Nigeria Leaf-toed Gecko 1 1991-03-29
Hemidactylus fasciatus Banded Leaf-toed Gecko 1 1991-03-29
Hyperolius concolor Variable Reed Frog 1 1991-03-30
Opisthothylax immaculatus Gray-eyed Frog 1 1991-03-30
Petropedetes cameronensis Cameroon Water Frog 1 1991-03-22
Trioceros montium Cameroon Sailfin Chameleon 1 1991-03-27
User No. of Taxa No. of Records Last Observation
Freed, Paul 10 10 1991-03-30
1 active users.

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